Shut Up A Second




In which our heroes do up their ties, adjust their collars, and put in their cufflinks as we discuss suits. We explore our love for ladies in suits, acquire haunted hands, and fall in love with a Lothario on the beach. Jackson misses ruffles dearly, Zoe explains the concept of Frat Boy Formal, and Adam just tries to explain his love of a simple tuxedo. So get done up to the nines, choose how breasted you want your suit, and take to the streets. Doesn't matter how ugly you are, everyone looks good in a suit. Want to help Jackson bring back the Jacobean ruff? Head to and for as little as $1 a month, we can start sewing immediately. And don’t forget to check out our new YouTube channel; and sign up to and use the code letmedie to get some sweet sweet dollars off your next subscription!  See for privacy and opt-out information.