Sex, Religion, Power And Politics

Fires of Transformation w/Guided Meditation and Karen Tate



Jean Houston, Barbara Walker and Z Budapest, along with numerous other foremothers and wayshowers highly recommended my third book, Goddess Calling: Inspirational Messages and Meditations of Sacred Feminine Liberation Thealogy.  Liberation thealogy is a term that means values that set us free and in this case, values of Goddess that help us throw off the shackles of patriarchy and the exploitation and oppression of capitalism.  Each month I'll be sharing a message and guided meditation from this book and on this show, offered in the month of June, in the heat of summer, in the season of Beltane, I'll be sharing the message of the Fires of Transformation - followed by a guided meditation. I hope you'll join me and share with friends, not only this show, but past shows.  I invite you to also frequent my website,, as well as subscribe to my newsletter, Dancing at the Edges with Karen Tate.