Stellar Firma

Episode 18 - Star Theft and Star Marlins



Episode 18Star Theft and Star MarlinsPLANET - 512909- ⏇Orren Thruul requests a planet to host the exhibits for their latest intergalactic art show; 'Rebirth of the Star Marlin'Consultant Recommendation; Error, file overwritten and locked.Original Consultant Recommendation; Hospital Cube. Time bomb. Coerced suns. Collapsing Moon.Content Warning for:Comedic violenceEmotional abuseAlcoholismScreamingChildbirthSpecial thanks to Stefan Sipika for this episode's Planet Brief Submission and this week's Patrons: Alex, Rob Young, Jen Van Meter, Jeffrey D Brainerd, Alix Antilla, Lho, Kevin Lovecraft, Margaery Clare, Andrew Hall, Porkchop Krandal, Alex Rose, Rozzlynn, Jon Lozano, Rowan MacBean, Mildred, Amelia Stevenson, Mike Weiss, Finn Garza, Tommy Parker, Cornflake of DoomIf you'd like to join them be sure to visit by Tim Meredith and Ben MeredithProduced by Lowri Ann DaviesExecutive Producer Alexander J NewallPerformances:I.M.O.G.E.N: Imogen HarrisDavid 7: Ben MeredithTrexel Geistma