Flame On!

Episode 11 :: Crossplaying with Paul Charles, the Gay Comic Geek



The Gay Comic Geek is here! That’s right, Paul – the nerdiest, geekiest, muscliest guy on YouTube – guest starred on our biggest episode yet! He joined Bryan the Barely Bear, Jarrod the Alterna-Guy, Eric the Muscle Pig, Oral the Catty Sick Black Friend, and The Question of Questionable Sexual Practices as they discussed movies, games, comics, and NERD FITNESS?!!? If you’re a nerd who wants to pwn n00bz but also look great, or if you just want to hear what we thought about Star Wars in 3D, then turn us on, strap it on, and get ready to FLAME ON! MegaCon The entire Flame On! crew met up at Orlando MegaCon and had a blast! They caught Before Watchmen: Silk Spectre artist Amanda Conner during the con, but the best times were had afterward. They shared drinks with DC pros and scared away a Star Trek character, but you’ll have to listen to see if they reveal how they pulled that off. Paul went and had a total of six different costumes! He shares some of his stories, but The Question doubts he was sober the entire