Tuesday Night Jaw

A Non Wrestling Fan's Perspective... With Mrs Smallman



So this week Jim was meant to interview someone pretty cool but there were a few technical problems. As a joke, he went on Twitter and said he'd interview his wife about wrestling instead, as she's always the non-hardcore fan control that he mentions on nearly every roundtable (seriously, it's become a catchphrase). It was meant as a joke, but you guys sent in a load of questions and rather than not put a podcast out, Jim and Mrs S sat down after the baby had been put to bed and had a chat about wrestling, from both of their perspectives. The things she tolerates for that bloke... SUPPORT US! Rate, review, subscribe, all that. Point newbies at www.jimsmallman.com/tnj. Tweet @jimsmallman using the hashtag #TuesdayNightJaw. And get married, it's pretty rad.  See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.