Tuesday Night Jaw

TNJ Meets Eddie Dennis



Have you ever quit your day job to follow your dream? Eddie Dennis did just that last Friday, leaving behind a hard-earned and lucrative career to follow his one true dream: To be a full-time professional wrestler. Jim talks to "The Pride of Wales" about making that huge leap, his ambitions and beginnings; it's a genuinely interesting discussion that anyone who has ever followed an ambition - or has hopes to - can relate to. Eddie is a great guy and a wonderful speaker, so this Skype conversation is a belter. HEY! WE'RE DOING A LIVE TUESDAY NIGHT JAW! On Saturday September 9th in London (at noon) we will be live with a show at the London Podcast Festival. Get tickets and more info via the usual TNJ link - the same one you point new listeners at - www.jimsmallman.com/tnj. Would be great to fill that room, just one day before the biggest PROGRESS show of the year... You can also get involved with TNJ via Twitter - use #TuesdayNIghtJaw and Jim is available via @jimsmallman. And of course, TNJ is proudly pa