Tuesday Night Jaw




BANG! Jim first met Diamond Dallas Page a couple of years back when he toured the UK. Now DDP is a WWE Hall of Famer and he's heading back to these shores in September. So via Skype, Jim and DDP talk about positivity, DDP Yoga, starting wrestling later in life and the infamous Mick Foley / Steve Austin cookie story. It's a great chat, DDP is an awesome dude. For more information on his tour in September, check out DDPUKTour.com. Hey, and we have a LIVE TNJ on September 9th at Kings Place in London as part of the London Podcast Festival. We start at noon, it's a combined roundtable / list / q and a episode with a load of cool guests lined up, the day before PROGRESS fills Alexandra Palace for their sold out show. So make a weekend of it! More info on that via www.jimsmallman.com/tnj. SUPPORT US! Tell everyone you know. Point people at the links and the archives at www.jimsmallman.com/tnj. Subscribe, rate and review us. Get involved on twitter via @jimsmallman using #TuesdayNightJaw. And of course, suppor