Tuesday Night Jaw

Snow Day Stories and the 2017 TNJ Awards Primer



It's been snowing a lot here in the UK. You'd be aware of this, unless you lived under a rock (although if you did live under a rock, you'd then be hopefully protected from the snow). Jim and his PROGRESS colleagues had to put a show on this past weekend in Sheffield despite a lot of travel problems for the wrestlers, so he talks you through what it was like behind the scenes at the weekend.Also, it's soon time to vote for the 2017 TNJ Year-End Awards; check out Jim's pinned tweet via @jimsmallman for instructions, but Jim talks you through them in the second half of the podcast so it hopefully all makes sense!Apologies for a shorter episode this week, snow and illness and technology failures are all to blame. DO SUPPORT US THOUGH! Point people at www.jimsmallman.com/tnj. Rate, review and subscribe to this very podcast. Tell people about us. Buy t-shirts via www.jimsmallman.com/tnj. And support everything on the wonderful Distraction Pieces Network, as that's all rad and run by good folk.  See a