Educator Innovator

Using The ATtiny85 Microcontroller For Intermediate Paper Circuitry Projects (Part 3 Of 3)



Join NEXMAP for a back to school series, “Literacy, Craft, Civic Engagement – A Paper Circuitry Project for L2P 2.0,” spanning August and September that explores how young people can use paper circuitry to voice their opinions and showcase creative expression. The NEXMAP team will help both educators and young people explore how to use paper circuitry to write a letter to the next president and provide templates for easily doing so. The third and final webinar on 9/8 featured Jeannine Huffman and highlighted opportunities for more complex paper circuitry projects using the ATtiny85 microcontroller. This hangout was produced in support of Letters to the Next President 2.0, a project engaging youth in civic participation on issues and topics that matter to them in the US Presidential Election.