Via Church

Prayer and Its Effects



James had a reputation of being a man of prayer. His nickname was "Camel Knees" because he had such big knots on his knees from spending hours and hours in prayer. He makes it clear that it’s only when we have a deep, intimate, loving, and open communication and relationship with Christ that we can truly be satisfied and content. Summarizing many of his arguments, James implores us to call upon our God with a deep yearning for all of our needs. What prayer can do is what God can do. Anything that God can do can be done through prayer. In John 14:12-14, Jesus said, "whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do". How do you do greater works than Jesus? Jesus made it clear that it is by prayer, so lets ask a few questions about prayer and allow James to answer.