Hallocasa International Real Estate Show

#78 How to buy real estate in the Philippines and foreign Ownership of real estate in the Philippines



https://www.hallocasa.com the international real estate marketplace Stories, ebooks and content for various countries on http://blog.hallocasa.com  This time, I talked to Stephen from Manila, Philippines.  Stephen is Real Estate Broker by profession and Real Estate Investor by passion Specializes in Philippine real estate investment, representation of foreign investors, residential and commercial brokerage and leasing. During the interview, we talked about following topics:  0:00 Introduction 1:00 Manila 3:00 Cebu 6:10 Interesting locations for real estate buyers in the Philippines 11:50 Stephen´s services for international foreign real estate investors 14:40 Investor profiles in the Philippines 15:10 How to buy real estate in the Philippines and the steps in the buying process 20:25 Buying real estate development projects 25:35 The advantages of exclusivity on real estate transactions for buyers and sellers 26:40 Administration of real estate properties in the Philippines 29:00 Ownership st