Prime Mates

37 - The Real Planet of the Apes (with Ben Russell and Stuart Daulman)



In 2014 Vice's Motherboard released a documentary about a "real planet of the apes" to tie in with the cinematic release of Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. The documentary's blurb: Our crew traveled to remote Liberia to discover 'Monkey Island,' an area inhabited solely by former lab tested chimpanzees who survived disease and two civil wars. We go to the island, interview the locals and meet the scientists involved in the testing facility 25 years ago.Trying to put aside the fact that this island which is solely inhabited by chimps is called 'Monkey Island', I am joined by returning guests Ben Russell and Stuart Daulman as we discuss this documentary. It's a fun time!Watch the documentary hereI'm touring my new stand up show Bone Dry in March/April (to Adelaide, Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney) Tickets/details: Use the early bird discount code 'dogoon' Support the show on PatreonOur twitter: @PrimeMatesPodOur instagram: @primematespodFacebook: