Prime Mates

43 - Project X (with Nick Mason, Cass Paige and Evan Munro-Smith)



Project X is a 1987 sci-fi film starring Matthew Broderick, Helen Hunt and Willie as Virgil the chimp. Matthew Broderick is an American Air Force pilot who is reassigned to a top secret military experiment involving chimps - soon he starts to uncover some the dark truth about Project X.To talk about it I am joined by Nick Mason (The Weekly Planet), Cass Paige (Sanspants Radio) and Evan Munro-Smith (Gamey Gamey Game)!I'm touring my new stand up show Bone Dry in April/May (final shows in Melbourne this weekend the three shows only in Sydney in May) Tickets/details: Use the special discount code 'dogoon' Support the show on PatreonOur twitter: @PrimeMatesPodOur instagram: @primematespodFacebook: primematespod@gmail.comGot topic/primate suggestions for the show? Chuck them here: Prime Mates Spotify PlaylistCheck out my other podcast: Do Go OnMy twitter: @mattstew_artM