Prime Mates

45 - Harry and the Hendersons (with Jackson Baly and Adam Carnevale)



Harry and the Hendersons is a 1987 ffilm about a family that encounters a big foot - it is weird and wonderful. I am joined by Jackson and Adam from Sanspants radio to discuss it!I'm taking my new stand up show Bone Dry to the Sydney Comedy Festival (May 16, 18, 19) Tickets/details: Use the special discount code 'dogoon' Support the show on PatreonOur twitter: @PrimeMatesPodOur instagram: @primematespodFacebook: primematespod@gmail.comGot topic/primate suggestions for the show? Chuck them here: Prime Mates Spotify PlaylistCheck out my other podcast: Do Go OnMy twitter: @mattstew_artMy instagram: @MattStewartComedyMy facebook:'s Twitter: @alldogsaredeadAdam's Twitter: @retroarchetypeJackson and Adam's podcast network: Sanspants RadioOur awesome theme song by Evan Munro-Smith and sweet logo by Peader Tho