Overcoming Narcissism With Olivia

E14: How to Get Out of Your Own Way and Create the Freedom Lifestyle You Desire with Business Coach Donna Brodbeck



Be honest, are you where you thought you'd be at this point in life? If not, you are not alone. So many of us dream of a different life, yet here we are again, dreading waking up and going to that job that we hate, knowing that it's not what we're meant to be doing but not knowing how to break free. Are those 6 figure business owners drinking margs on the beach while cashing checks just lucky? How did they get to that point? Donna Brodbeck, one of those successful 6 figure boss babes, says that it is FAR from luck. Donna, my awesome business coach, shares with us her journey from absolute rock bottom, literally begging God for another chance at life and not to let her die, to where she is today- in a healthy relationship, traveling the world, absolutely loving what she does every day. Tune in to this episode of Slaying Your Side Hustle to hear: -Donna's struggle with imposter syndrome and "comparisonitis" in her first few years of life coaching -How Donna found her first niche in coaching in narcissistic abus