Radio8ball Hosted By Andras Jones

James Combs (Season Three-The Appening-014-June 4, 2020)



JAMES COMBS of the band GREAT WILLOW has been on Radio8Ball many times under different names and in different roles. He joins host ANDRAS JONES for this session to discuss his song "To Know You Is To Save You" (recorded on Radio8Ball in Seattle in April of 2008) which was the randomly chosen answer to Pat Thomas's question on last week's episode. There's a synchronistic twist to this session that initiates a conversation about the current divide within the Democratic party which is neither comfortable nor easy but it may be familiar. Featuring the music of IRA MARLOWE, DAN BERN, COMMON ROTATION, GREAT WILLOW & I SEE HAWKS IN LA. To hear ANDRAS's question please join the Patreon campaign. $1 a month gets you the bonus episodes:  Featuring: The Radio8Ball Theme Song performed by IRA MARLOWE The Pop Oracle Song of The Day for June 4, 2020: "Beautiful Ride" by DAN BERN & COMMON ROTATION Featured Music: "To Know You Is To Save You" by JAMES COMBS (with ERIN SHAWN HAWKINS) "Sc