Faith Troy Sermons




The story of Easter is not a religious story. The basis for what we believe as followers of Jesus is history. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are reliable records of actual events that happened in history 2,000 years ago. Two things we must keep in mind as we begin to weigh the evidence in this series: First, we cannot use what we commonly think of as science, or the scientific method, to try to prove history. Second, when looking at evidence, the question you ask is what is the most probable explanation, not what is a possible explanation. What is most probable based on the evidence you have? Matthew 28:8-20 How do you determine whether or not an ancient manuscript is trustworthy? How is it that we have four very detailed accounts of the life of a poor Jewish carpenter. It's very easy for us to be biased against the super-natural. That's not a problem with these books, that's a problem with our understanding.