
You MaTTER | The New Work Order



I was honoured and humbled to have had the opportunity to share a live panel session with Nokwazi Mzobe, Founder & Director of Matoyana Media and the author of the small business handbook, Zaar Mabuto, Director of Zaar Pty ltd, Mary Fashanu, Director of MaryFash UK The of self and collective collaboration to make a positive contribution. . . *T*eaching | life, legacy *T* ouching | experiences, relationships *E* ducating | knowledge sharing *R* evealing | innovation, collaboration . . In part II, we delved into The New Work Order! . . - New ways of work we have adopted - Business start ups and managing your pipeline as well as funnels - Having a solid Business model and structure for your products & services - Picking the right coach for your personal journey and business - How to remain relevant in the context of being agile .