Christ Church Bartlett

Chosen but Free



Chosen but Free - Acts 13:44-52 1. The Gospel is first for the Jew and then the Gentiles. (Acts 13:44-46) 2. The Jews (Israel) will always have a unique relationship with the LORD as His chosen people. (Deuteronomy 7:6-8, Romans 9:1-6) 3. Although the Jews have been characterized historically by unbelief, God has always preserved for Himself a remnant of believers among the Jewish people. (Acts 13:46-47, Acts 11:1-6, Romans 9:27) 4. This present age of grace - aka the church age - is a demonstration of God’s mercy by extending His saving grace to the Gentile nations, grafting us into the true Israel. (Acts 13:47-48) 5. The inclusion of the Gentiles in God’s plan of redemption has become a stumbling block and source of jealousy for the unbelieving Jews. (Acts 13:48-52, Romans 11:11-14) 6. Although we cannot deny God’s sovereignty over the purposes of election, we also cannot deny man’s free choice when it comes to salvation. (Acts 13:46-48) 7. We must come to grips with the fact that BOTH are TRUE, but at the