Christ Church Bartlett

The Cross before the Crown



The Cross before the Crown — Acts 14:19-28 I. The Lord Jesus was willing to go to the cross before receiving His crown. (Acts 14:22, Mt. 21:1-11, John 18:33-38) II. As followers of Christ, we also must enter the kingdom of God through many tribulations. (Acts 14:19-23) III. Every true believer is promised to participate on some level in the sufferings of Christ. (Acts 14:19-23) In light of this reality, God is calling us to I.Strengthen the souls of disciples. (Acts 14:22) II.Encourage one another to continue in the faith. (Acts 14:22, 27) III.To live in a manner worthy of receiving a crown on that Day when Christ Returns in Glory! (Acts 14:22) As We Go … As we face the many trials and troubles of this world as people of the cross, let us live in a manner worthy of Jesus so that we may one day receive the crown of life!