
The Great Commission



Jesus' final words to his followers: "Go therefore, and make disciples of all nations..." We call it the Great Commission.Brian McLaren says, "“Good evangelists... are people who engage others in good conversation about important and profound topics such as faith, values, hope, meaning, purpose, goodness, beauty, truth, life after death, life before death, and God. They do this, not because they like to be experts and impose their views on others, but because they feel they are, in fact, sent by God to do so. They live with a sense of mission that their God-given calling in life is not just to live selfishly, or even just to live well, but to live unselfishly and well and to help others live unselfishly and well, too. Evangelists are people with a mission from God and a passion to love."You've been sent. So go. Be a disciple. Share. Listen. Love. Serve.