Hollywood Late Night With Rocco

Ep25 - "Just One of the Girls" Part 1



Rocco is "Just One Of the Girls" in this two part series. He is surrounded by 4 intelligent, witty, extremely talented woman for 30 minutes of estrogen filled greatness. Rocco has created a "Roundtable" of powerful woman including; Content Producer Kimberly Tronic, Actress "Jurassic Jen" Durst, Actress/ Make-up Artist "Tish the Dish" Atkinson, and Actress/Singer-Songwriter Sarah Weismer aka "Sunshine". Are ALL guys Douchebags? Are guys only after One Thing? Rocco doesn't think he's a Douche, but is he? Find out this episode! The Cast talks about everything from "Transgender Bathrooms", and "Valentine's Day", to "Cuddling" and "Sucking on Toes". Rocco was a hockey player for over 20 years, so I would stay clear away from his toes, ladies! Rocco's "One Woman Band", "Sarahtonin"not only graces us with the final verse of her song from last episode titled, "Love Song", but also has a unique perspective on topics throughout the show. Armpits? Really Sunshine?!?