Hollywood Late Night With Rocco

Ep26 - "Just One of the Girls" Part 2



Enjoy Part 2 of "Just One of the Girls" as things get fired up! Rocco, Tish Atkinson, Jen Durst, and One Woman Band "Sarahtonin" aka Sarah Sunshine, are back in-studio for another "Verbal Jam Session". There are only a few awkward pauses by Rocco this episode..lol. While Rocco begins to take heat, he is quickly rescued by a ring of the infamous "Doorbell", by childhood friend and Entertainment Journalist; Jami Philbrick. He seems to "save the day" for a moment until he enlightens all the ladies about how Rocco set a classmate on fire back in high school, and how he evidently threw a chair from a 10 story window into the Town Pool. Rocco did not score any points with the ladies after these fun facts, but it does lead into some great conversation about Public Schools, Troubled Youth, Brothels, "the decline of the Pimp", and "the Art of the New Age Hooker". Find out which woman says, "we are all whores to some extent"… it just might shock you! "Girls Rule, Guys Drool", sad but true. Is that cheesy or what?? Also