Sonic Daydream

RadioXU #14



Tonight we present the second installment of our look back at the California-based music movement that was known as The Paisley Underground! Dig the sounds of...    / / / Playlist: / / /    THE LONG RYDERS: Looking For Lewis And Clark / / THE LONG RYDERS: And She Rides / / THE THREE O'CLOCK: As Real As Real / / THE THREE O'CLOCK: Jet Fighter / / THE GUN CLUB: Sex Beat / / THE GUN CLUB: Stranger In Our Town / / TRUE WEST: I'm Not Here / / TRUE WEST: Steps To The Door / / THE PANDORAS: Hot Generation / / THE PANDORAS: It's About Time / / GAME THEORY: 24 / / GAME THEORY: Metal And Glass Exact / / CLAY ALLISON: Fell From the Sun / / CLAY ALLISON: Lullabye / /   Visit us @ and share a comment on the show!