Compulsive Overeating Diary

Ep 0045 – Bonus – Critical Alien Robots Kindly Get OUT of my Stinkin’ Mind!



I take a bonus walk to clear my head. The Alien Robots attack my mind all weekend with self-criticism and visions of chips making my bad back all better. Valiantly, I overcome their taunts thanks to encouragement from Brave Companions Sue, Anne, Jodi, Danielle, Abby, and Janet . I give you an unflinching glimpse into the battle despite fearing to once again, come off as pathetic. As I finally return to walking, -er hobbling, with my cane around the park after my weekend of severe back trouble, I ponder the difference between fact and what those pesky robot aliens have to say. Josh Woodward says, 'Thanks' for supporting his Kickstarter campaign.