Compulsive Overeating Diary

Ep 0070 – Kick the Inner Bully to the Curb!



Hold on to your hats and glasses, it's going to be a wild and wooly time on the podcast rock today! I have an epic tussle with a newly discovered inner bully and kick its ass to the curb! It all starts when waking up in an unexplained blue mood for the second day in a row, I strap on my recorder, grab my half-written notes and head off to the park to figure myself out. In this hybrid episode of bonus off the cuff rambling and regularly planned notes, I decide to let go of having to feel wonderful every single day and ponder the source of my recurring blue mood. While I'm pondering, I give thanks for the new 5-Star rating on iTunes USA and a heartfelt special thanks to my second podcast subscriber. I reminisce about what I learned from my past diet history and discover that bastardly inner bully. Well, let's just say I enjoyed what came next! Shauni L calls the bravery hotline with her reactions to Day 69 and earns a place on the bravery report for allowing her voice to be heard. We hear the reactions of Daw