Compulsive Overeating Diary

Ep 0079 – Expressing Yourself Without a False Self



How can we let go of our false selves and learn to express who we are? Welcome to new BC Rachel who recommends a new podcast for us to check out. Now available, a certificate of completion for Brave Companions who have listened or binge-listened, all the way through the episodes so far! I announce my upcoming live support group - details to come. Touching letters from two new brave companions on the bravery report, María from a Spanish speaking country and Amy from Ohio. Courtney, another new brave companion is on the bravery report a record three times in one day! Once for her bravery hotline call, once for her comment on day 4 and once for posting her story on Who are the Brave Companions? Dawny also calls the bravery hotline with an update about her vacation, how she's doing with intuitive eating and what SHE's bravely giving up today! Featured comments by Stéfanie from Quebec and Amy from Wisconsin. I also reveal my secret binge behavior these days. Courtney ends the show by making me LOL!