Compulsive Overeating Diary

Ep 0092 – Assuming Along the Shore and Stéfanie’s Secret Topic 5



Taking a chance I grab my umbrella and record from the beach of Ventura in the lull of a rainstorm. I explore how assumptions can derail us from our dreams and goals. We welcome three new brave companions who step forward to share their stories. First is Fernando from Brazil who has just realized emotions play a part in his eating issues, despite feeling too skinny his entire life. Next up is Shell from Wales, who has visual as well as eating challenges and is delighted to find companions via the show. Then comes Vena from Texas who goes on the bravery report for posting her story for all to see on Day 91. Featured too are supportive welcoming comments to Vena's original post by Cheryl and Stéfanie from Quebec. Chelsea is another new BC who contacted me on Facebook and shares her blog, Random Thoughts. Finally it's time for another of Stéfanie's Secret Topics of the Day - In this, the fifth in the series where Stéfanie surprises me, she comes up with a pertinent topic about schedules and social life getting i