Compulsive Overeating Diary

Ep 0098 – Depression and Ranting and Welcome New BCs!



Despite my latest bout with depression, I hike the mountain to let go of self-anger. I fill you in on my social media changes. Welcome to three new BCs, Lisa, Happy, and Natalie from Australia. Suz goes on the bravery report for her live commentary about Day 97 and how it triggered her to consider the origins of her distrust and people pleasing. Suz gives a shout-out to Brandi for her bravery hotline call on day 48. I share the highs and lows of my latest voice acting adventures. I then use my best voice acting skills to read you my watershed blog post, Warning! Catharsis ahead – not for the faint hearted! Strong Language! And btw, I DON’T have a blasted weight problem! I welcome new BC, June who commented on that post and feature Dawny's supportive comment.