Compulsive Overeating Diary

Ep 0105 – How Critical Judgements Hurt and Pondering on Vanity



Critical judgement of myself and others is what I need to let go of as I ponder on the mountain. Please send prayers and positive vibes to Cheryl's family. Welcome new BCs Carol from Detroit who goes on the bravery report for reaching out and Colleen who gives her reaction to the beauty of the quilt Amy from Wisconsin made me. More comments about Amy's quilt from Suz, Sue from the UK, Stefanie from Quebec and Amy herself! Stefanie from Quebec asks for our opinions on vanity when setting our body goals. A Shout out to our missing BC, Happy. A comment conversation with these same BCs and Dawny about bingeing, food tracking and how we feel about ourselves. The unknown Foolish Funner brightens our day with a new chuckle and I wrap up the show with my thoughts on 'What is enough?'