Compulsive Overeating Diary

Ep 0106 – Worst Binge in Years! What could have caused this Robot Alien Devastation?



Following the worst binge I've had since I began this show, I walk in my local park and talk out my emotions. I advise skipping the letting go segment today if you are already in an iffy mood. It is ironic that when I gave my binge recovery tips on Day 103 I hadn't HAD a binge myself for months, and truthfully, I had forgotten the hurricane force of this type of binge. I can't even call it a visit from the robot aliens, but rather, a full on invasion. Sigh. We welcome new BCs Paula from FB and Phoebe who goes on the BRAVERY Report for saying Hello to us on that very same Bravery Report! Dawny and Patt step in to represent the kindness of BCs by greeting Phoebe right away. Cheryl sends us her audio answer to Stéfanie's question about vanity from Day 105 and I'm pleased as punch that today we have two, count them two, foolish funners! (Thanks Cheryl and Dawny). Then I wrap up the show by reading part of the recent blog post that highlights a possible major player in my binge and some of the many supportive com