Compulsive Overeating Diary

Ep 0114 – Joy and My Inner Fat Chick



I meet some brand new friends, Jessie and Nicole, along with their cute dogs on top of the mountain. I let go of my Inner Fat Chick Identity as I ponder creativity and its place in our world. Thank you to Dawny for posting a 5 star review on USA iTunes. Thanks also to Amazon shoppers and to coffee klatchers who subscribe and donate to the show monthly. Stéfanie from Quebec weighs in with her thoughts on day 113. Two wonderful and touching stories from two new brave BCs - Shea and eM. Mark and I launch another new feature - Laurie's Stories. I read a story of my own from last week's wild and wooly writing group that was inspired by the current fad, Cards Against Humanity. Triggered by a comment conversation with BC Dave on one of my status reports, I explore the idea of what it means to find joy.