Compulsive Overeating Diary

Ep 0126.s6 – Bonus – A Valentine for BCs



Happy Valentine's Day! This bonus show is my valentine to the BCs who have listened, learned, loved and supported me and one another throughout the run of Compulsive Overeating Diary. I'll ponder letting go of my old self image and read you my latest blog post about acting bravery. You'll hear about my newest show, Stories and Voice, and how you can be brave and participate too! Our newest brave BC Heba, calls via Speakpipe to ask for support and I'll share some of the resources I sent her. I find a poem by Thomas Hardy called 'An Experience' that really speaks to me for today's edition of Laurie's Stories. And we'll finish up our Valentine treat with another song by Josh Woodward that speaks to my creative wish for all of our hearts, called 'The Dreamers'.