Journey Church, West Chester

Week 4 - Permanence



Object Permanence - the awareness that an object continues to exist even when it’s now in view. Object Permanence Video (attachment) Psalm 73:1-25 Sing a New Song Video (play directly after reading) (attachment) HOW TO DEAL with GOD’s SILENCE 1) Be Honest with our Feelings 2) Confess our Doubts 3) Change our Perspective 4) See God’s Presence 5) No Matter HOW we get to Dependence on God - it’s a GOOD THING! “If we really knew what we were called to relinquish on this [spiritual] journey, our defenses would never allow us to take the first step. Sometimes the only way we can enter the deeper dimensions of the journey is by being unable to see where we’re going.” - Gerald May, The Dark Night of the Soul