Journey Church, West Chester

Becoming a Spiritually Mature Christian with Leadership Team Update at the End.



Benchmarks Of A Spiritually Mature Christian 2 Peter 3:17- 18 (NIV) 1 Corinthians 3:2-3 (NIV) Spiritual Maturity – Not just getting older, not just looks, not just achievement 1. A spiritually mature person is positive under pressure James 1:2-4 (CEV) 2. A spiritually mature person is sensitive to the spiritual needs of other people Philippians 3:18-19 (NIV) 3. A spiritually mature person is a peacemaker not a troublemaker Matthew 5:9 (NIV) The mark of a spiritually mature person is the lack of conflict in their life. James 4:1 (MSG) Romans 12:18 (NIV) 4. A spiritually mature person is patient James 5:7-8 (NIV) 5. A spiritually mature person is prayerful 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (MSG Bible) James 5:16 (NIV) John 11:38-44 (NIV) NEXT STEP: Positive under pressure? Sensitive to the needs of others? Peacemaker rather than troublemaker? Patient and prayerful?