Generation Jones Too Young To Be Old

Episode 30 Do You Know Rev. Danny L. Stokes



Guest, Rev. Danny L. Stokes is an Ordained Minister with The International Ministerial Fellowship for 30 years.  He has established more than 6 churches on 3 continents and has a heart for the truth in reaching the world for Jesus.   I had the pleasure of meeting him through LinkedIn in my hour of need as I battled an unexpected recurrence of ovarian cancer in 2019.    Pastor Dan is a jovial man who loves to laugh and build stuff.  That's how I see him.  He sees life in a complex scientific manner while opening his eyes and heart to the "unseen",  grace of God.   In following his calling Pastor Dan has help build the foundation for New Children's Global Care Community (orphanage)in Pakistan, which feeds, houses, educates, and loves  75 children.   CoVid 19 isn't stopping Vessel's Church Inc, as they break ground on August 11th - August 18th 2020 in Kenya for a new Children's Global Care Community for 200 orphans.  The launch of the and is scheduled for launch on June 1,