Understanding Christianity

Romans 8:29-30 The Golden Chain of Redemption



Paul gives five glorious truths about our salvation that all hold together like a golden chain. They all link together and cannot be broken. God set His electing love on a particular people in eternity past. Those same people He predesinted. Those same people He called. Those same people He justified. Those same people He will glorify on the final day. Listen as Pastor Sean explains the wonder of how God has determined to save His people from first to last. Check out Sean's book "Your Identity in the Trinity" on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07RWTJK9K?pf_rd_p=ab873d20-a0ca-439b-ac45-cd78f07a84d8&pf_rd_r=EKPE21F2A8AB2GKWRAKZ