Understanding Christianity

Don't Have a Cow! EXODUS 32:1-10



The Golden Calf represents the grossest expression of idolatry in the Old Testament. While Moses is up on Mount Sinai receiving explicit instructions from the LORD on how they are to worship HIm correctly, the people down below fall into fearful insecurity. In this sermon. Dr. Sean Cole addresses the question: What exactly is idolatry? He provides four descriptions from Exodus 32:1-10. Check out Sean's book "Your Identity in the Trinity" at Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07RWTJK9K?pf_rd_p=ab873d20-a0ca-439b-ac45-cd78f07a84d8&pf_rd_r=5Z0YSFB81BG31H22GXMY