Kendra After Dark

Cannabis cooking with Fredmonkey.



Continuing my week of appreciation to chefs, cooks, bakers, and all others who feed us! Today, I sit and chat with Debbie aka Fredmonkey3733 on Instagram. She is a cannabis lover and includes it in her cooking. The first time I had the chance to try a dish was some infused spaghetti which I actually talked about on previous episodes. During this recording Debbie brought medicated Chicken Fettichini Alfredo with some lemon along with a bunch of other amazing medicated treats. We talk about the cooking process and how she got started along with a lot of other fun stuff. It's time to sit back relax and enjoy another episode of Kendra After Dark.   A very special thank you to our sponsor GLAUX CHEM® for making this year possible and believing in the podcast and our mission. Make sure you get yourself some skin care essentials at