Makom Israel Teachers Lounge

172 Finally a New Government?



Now that Netanyahu and Gantz have come to an agreement, it looks like we won't have a 4th round of elections. Will this work? Will we really have a mandated government after 16 months? What is an Emergency Unity government? Will Gantz become Prime Minister? Will annexations take place this summer? Rajel comes to explain things with Alan and Mike. Join us! This episode was recorded on Zoom, and then sent to the amazing Ben Wallick Studios for editing. Ben is the best! Makom Israel Teachers Lounge is a weekly podcast produced by Matt Lipman, and hosted by Michael Unterberg and Alan Goldman. Makom Website Facebook page Please subscribe, listen to more episodes, and let us know what you think! We are happy to take topic requests and questions. And please rate and review us on Apple. Recommend us to friends.