Butterfly Evolution

When You Can't Tell The Dancer From The Dance



Join Random Conversations on Butterfly Evolution Radio Tuesday May 19th 8 pm CST.  Listen/comment live @ 563-999-3542 or on line at www.blogtalkradio.com/butterflyevolution  This week will interiew Author Marcus Griffin to introduce us to the upcoming novel "Nothing Left to Give" ~ Griffin, a Christian author discovered his love for writing 27 years ago while serving in the Air Force and during a creative writing course. He spent the last 13 years completing this book. Join us in welcoming Marcus to the show.  We will also continue with Part 2 of Random Conversations about Love & Relationships How is your relationship with yourself and those you love during this time? Is it thriving or barely surviving? Do you know how to become one with another without losing yourself? What are the most important things in building and mainting healthy personal and professional relationships? Why do some people reject personal transformation? Why do some people blame others for everything that has happened in their l