Creative Cravings

Craving Beautiful Charcuterie Boards, Kindness, and Empowering One Another through Zumba & Kinrgy with Rebekah Rinehart



Usually we are hanging out with Rebekah as students in her Chicago-based Zumba class, but today we got to catch up via Zoom to learn about her ingredients for living life to the fullest, to dive deep into her self-care practices (in honor of May being Mental Health Awareness Month), to explore the connection between wellness & creativity, and discuss all of our cravings — from freely expressing ourselves through latin rhythms in Zumba and breathing / moving through element-based, Kinrgy (expanded fitness by Julianne Hough), to our love of charcuterie and cheese boards, global flavors that transport us, and matcha! Her story will remind you that it’s up to you to “live your life on purpose, instead of by pattern.” This episode is for you if you are someone who has moved by yourself to a new place, or, you have taken a leap of faith to follow an opportunity not knowing if it would work out, or you’ve opened up to others about something personal, or you just love to dance and express yourself through mov