In The Classroom With Stan Skrabut

ITC: 69 - Course Goals, Outcomes, and Objectives: Keys to an Exceptional Course



All good courses start with a plan. All good plans start with goals and have intended outcomes. Yet, a lot of instructors creating courses only pay lip service to the goals they list in their course. Goals, objectives, and outcomes are the foundation of your plan. They define what will occur in the course and more importantly what will not be covered. Goals and outcomes describe broad aspects of behavior. They indicate what students will learn as well as what they have learned and how well. Learning objectives operationalize course goals. They indicate what a student must be able to demonstrate what they know or can do. This week we are going to take a closer look at course goals, objectives, and outcomes as they apply to your course. Come learn more. Show notes:  Music credit:  Sponsor:  Sponsor: