Pillow Fort Radio

PFR Episode 8: Swagger Jackin' The Black Struggle



Welcome To an all new episode of Pillow Fort Radio! THIS IS NOT A FORM OF BRAINWASHING! THIS IS NOT A FORM OF BRAINWASHING! R. Kelly's "Ignition(Remix)" should be the national anthem of these United States of America, and that's REAL TALK! Alaina thinks all hospital personnel should be the cast of Grey's Anatomy. We talk a bit about the white lady that has masqueraded as a black lady for 10 years. Randy Quaid is getting really weird, you guys. Why would you rob an orphanage? Crowd fund your life! Dutch is a closet Dave Matthews fan. GIVE ME MARKY MARK, GIVE ME ROBOTS, GIVE ME 'SPLOSIONS! An in-depth discussion about the little skits that used to appear on hip hop albums in the 90's. Chuck gets all snooty about jazz. The Belva Mall is neat. Aaron brings us the Subreddit of the week. Donald Trump is running for president, and SO MUCH MORE!!!! @pillowfortradio