Pillow Fort Radio

PFR Episode 14: Ya Gotta See This Thing



Episode 14 IS ALL UP IN YOUR OVARIES!!! We take a little time to pay tribute to Roddy Piper, which leads to a little classic wrasslin' talk. Charles is laying his hatred down, One tater at a time. Aaron & Alaina see to be picking them up, though. We talk about Howdy Honda Housey's fight, and basically predict the outcome. All aboard the Melissa McCarthy is sexy bandwagon. Dutch is going through a rough time, and he's being a whiny little cunt about it. People with super white teeth are creepy. Chuck talks about power lifting and gets noticeably aroused. Short people... Am I right? The Subreddit of the week, The period report, AND SOOOOO MUCH MOOOOOOORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!