Matt Hibbert

the mix: 018 (the lockdown live sessions)



Heeeeellllloooooooo, and welcome back to #themix, your monthly fix of half decent music (insert thumbs up emoji). matt hibbert presents: #themix: 018 lockdown live session With this crazy situation worldwide at the moment courtesy of Covid 19, I thought it was time to bring #thmix back out of it's winter hibernation. I'll be uploading a new mix every week, sometimes even more frequently, either of the live streams i'm doing on Facebook, Twicth and Insta, or i'll use the hours and hours of live Baa Bar mixes I've recorded over since xmas. Either way, there'll be plenty of music to try and put a smile on your faces during this pretty grim time we are all facing. Stay home, stay strong, support the NHS and keyworkers, and we'll all be back in the club soon having a bevy* and a boogie I promise. *Ice Blast A brand new mix every month or so, absolutely fucking free of charge, gratis, on the house etc etc blah blah blah… (swear to god I'm back to doing these regularly hahaha) Listen/download/stream on Soun