Reader's Entertainment Radio

Readers Entertainment Radio presents author Camille DiMaio



A few years ago, author Camille DiMaio left an award-winning real estate career in San Antonio to become a full-time writer. Along with her husband of over twenty years, she enjoys raising their four children. She has a bucket list that is never-ending, and uses her adventures to inspire her writing. Camille studied political science in college, but found working on actual campaigns much more fun. She overdoses on goodies at farmers markets (justifying them by her support for local bakeries) and belts out Broadway tunes whenever the moment strikes. There’s almost nothing she wouldn’t try, so long as it doesn’t involve heights, roller skates, or anything illegal. Her newest release, The First Emma, will be available on May 5th, but you can pre-order at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Books a Million. While you're there, grab her other four books. You can find Camille at her website, Twitter, FB, and Instagram.