Joyful Doctor

COVID-19 - How to deal with our sadness, anger and grief through the crisis



This is the 2nd in a series of 'COVID-19 Supporting Doctors' podcasts hosted jointly between Dr Rachel Morris, host of the 'You are not a Frog' podcast, and Dr Caroline Walker, host of the 'Joyful Doctor' podcast. In this episode, Caroline and Rachel explore how we can manage our sadness, anger and grief through the evolving pandemic. In these very difficult times, Caroline and Rachel are working together to bring you as much support as they can. We’ll be tackling various different topics as they emerge in order to help doctors cope with the emotional challenges of what's unfolding. In this episode, we talk about the sadness and sense of loss that we are all feeling at the moment. Grief brings with it many different emotions and reactions – from shock and denial through to extreme sadness and anger. Many of us are experiencing a lot of these emotions right now and IT’S OK AND NORMAL to feel like this. When we suppress our emotions for too long it can be bad for us. We discuss how to release the emotions in