Fall 2011 Shamatha Retreat

21 Equanimity, part 2



Introduction Discussion of self cherishing and why it arises. Developing new habits – reconfiguring using the four immeasurable culminating in equanimity. Settling the mind in its natural state – not trying to transform the contents of the mind but the way we relate to the contents. The discovery approach versus the developmental approach of transforming the mind. Guided meditation (37:17) Settle the mind in its natural state. Instead of letting images of people go, this time when an appearance of a person comes to mind attend closely. Use tonglen to breath in the person’s sufferings and wish them to be free of suffering and breathe out may you be well and happy. Can also breathe in the blessings of the Buddha and then breathe them out to the person. Then open the door and wait for the next person to appear. Questions (64:24): What is the relationship between these terms: introspection, clear comprehension, contemplation and bare attention? What is the space of non conceptuality? In Awareness of A