She Rewilding

The art of slowing down



Hello it's Aja here, and welcome to the Intentional Living Podcast. This is where I talk all about how you can recreate your current way of living into the intentional lifestyle you desire. If you haven't already downloaded the soul inspired goal setting chapter of my upcoming book, then definitely check it out. There so much soul aligning goodness in there you will absolutely love it. You can find it on my website for now get ready to be inspired. I really hope you love this episode. Lets dive in....  Today we're talking about the art of slowing down  Talking points>>  [] the benefits of slow living  [] this time is perfect for slow living  [] what other people say about slow living  Wikipedia: Slow living is a lifestyle emphasizing slower approaches to aspects of everyday life. The concept of slow lifestyles started with the slow food movement, which emphasizes more traditional food production processes as a reaction to fast food emerged in Italy during th